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Health Care-Associated Infections And Your Rights In Filing A Medical Malpractice Claim


Medical malpractice is a serious problem, not only in Washington State but across the county.  Mistakes and errors on the part of medical providers can put you at risk. One of the biggest concerns is healthcare-associated infections. Our Issaquah medical malpractice attorney explains more about what they are, how they happen, and your rights in filing a claim.

Common Types of Healthcare-Associated Infections

Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) involve serious illnesses that can happen while a patient receives care in a hospital or other medical facility for an underlying injury, illness, or chronic health condition. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), as many as one out of every 31 patients suffers a healthcare-associated infection in hospital settings.

HAIs can have serious impacts on the victim’s health and ability to work or even engage in their normal hobbies and daily activities. It can also have major ramifications on their families. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that common types of healthcare-associated infections include:

  • Central line-associated bloodstream infections: These can happen when administering fluids or medications intravenously and are potentially deadly. Not using a sterile needle or leaving the I.V. in too long increases the risks.
  • Catheter-associated infections: These are another common cause of HAIs that result from lack of hygiene and not checking catheters regularly.
  • Surgical-site infections: This can happen after any type of procedure in which the wound is not closed, dressed, or otherwise cared for properly.
  • Ventilator-associated pneumonia: This is a potentially deadly condition that also occurs due to failure to monitor patients or maintain required standards of hygiene.

Your Rights In Filing A Medical Malpractice Claim In Issaquah 

Under the Revised Code of Washington (RCW 7.70), medical malpractice involves patient injuries or illnesses that occur due to failure on the part of medical providers to failure to follow an accepted standard of care. When you or someone you love suffers a healthcare-associated infection due to a lack of patient care or failure to maintain sanitary conditions, you have the right to hold your healthcare providers responsible in a medical malpractice claim.

In order to file a successful claim, you will need to provide the following:

  • Copies of all medical records pertaining to your condition;
  • Evidence that medical providers were negligent in caring for you or a loved one;
  • Evidence of personal injuries suffered as a direct result of their negligence;
  • Records showing medical costs, lost wages, and other expenses you suffered as a result.

Contact Our Issaquah Medical Malpractice Attorney And Request A Consultation

Healthcare-associated infections can cause personal injuries that are severe and potentially life-threatening. If you or someone you love is a victim, get the professional legal representation you need at Injury Law Group NW. Our Issaquah medical malpractice attorney can thoroughly review your claim, conduct a full investigation, and gather the evidence needed to file a claim. Call or contact our office online and request a consultation today.





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