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Issaquah Personal Injury Attorney > Blog > Truck Accident > Drowsy Driving A Leading Cause Of Truck Accidents In Washington State

Drowsy Driving A Leading Cause Of Truck Accidents In Washington State


Considering the amount of truck traffic that travels through King County, truck accidents in Issaquah are a serious concern. The massive size of most rigs provides a level of protection for the truck driver. It is generally other motorists who suffer the most severe personal injuries. Drowsy driving is a common contributing cause in these accidents. Our Issaquah truck accident attorney explains how both the truck driver and the company they work for can be held accountable.

Drowsy Driving Truck Accidents Pose Major Risks For Motorists

According to the Washington State Department of Transportation (DOT), close to 2,000 truck accidents in King County happen each year. Drowsy driving is one of the leading causes. An underlying factor in many types of motor vehicle crashes and collisions, it is particularly common among truckers and poses severe hazards for other drivers on the road.

Being excessively tired has major impacts on driving abilities and mimics many of the same impacts as driving under the influence. Common impairments suffers after only a few hours of missing sleep include:

  • Vision disturbances, such as watery eyes, seeing double, and increased sensitivity to glare;
  • Reduced coordination, making it harder to steer, apply the brakes, and coordinate other complex tasks involved in driving;
  • Slower reflexes, making drivers less able to respond to unexpected events and sudden changes in weather, road, or traffic conditions;
  • Impaired judgments, making you less likely to be aware of how tired you are, the impact it has on your driving, or when you are close to falling asleep behind the wheel.

Holding Truck Drivers And Trucking Companies Accountable

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) reports that drowsy driving is a serious problem in the trucking industry and a common factor in truck accidents, though it often gets underreported. Due to the large size of most big rigs, when a drowsy driving-related truck accident does happen, it is likely to impact other motorists on the road.

If you or someone you love is injured in this type of crash, it is important to be aware of your rights in seeking compensation. In addition to holding the truck driver liable for personal injuries you suffer as a result of their actions, you may be entitled to hold the trucking company accountable as well. Ways in which these companies increase the risks that a drowsy driving truck accident will happen include:

  • Overscheduling drivers and not providing a minimum amount of days off;
  • Setting too tight of deadlines, preventing them from taking breaks;
  • Requiring overnight trips, which increases truck accident risks in general;
  • Allowing them to spend too many consecutive hours on the road. 

Get Professional Legal Representation From Our Issaquah Truck Accident Attorney

Truck accidents in Issaquah can cause life-threatening personal injuries. At Injury Law Group NW, we provide the professional legal representation you need to get compensation in a claim. Call  or contact our Issaquah truck accident attorney online to request a consultation today.




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