Back-To-School Safety: Reducing Issaquah Car And School Bus Accident Risks

While parents are busy getting their children ready for back to school, it is also an important time to review basic school transportation safety. Everyone in the community shares the responsibility of keeping our children safe. Our Issaquah personal injury attorney shares some simple tips to reduce car and school bus accident risks.
School Bus Safety For Local Drivers
Classes resume for Issaquah students at the end of August. Amidst all the planning and preparations of getting them ready for class, take the time to review school bus safety tips as well. To reduce the risks, encourage children to take the following precautions:
- Avoid rushing to catch the school bus;
- Stay on the sidewalk and use designated crosswalks to reach school bus stops;
- Wait at least three giant steps back from the curb as the school bus approaches;
- Form a single file line and board in an orderly fashion;
- Stay seated during the trip and avoid loud noises that could distract the driver;
- When exiting the bus, make sure the driver sees you, avoid crossing directly in front of the bus, and be alert for oncoming traffic.
Children are not the only ones who need to take precautions. Local drivers need to be alert for school buses on the road, particularly in the morning and afternoon hours. Remember to stop, regardless of which lane you are in, if the school bus lights are flashing. Be alert for children getting off or rushing to get to bus stops, and reduce your overall speed in these areas.
Safety Tips When Driving Children To School
To protect their child’s safety, many parents prefer to drive them to school. However, this can actually increase personal injury risks. According to the National Safety Council, buses remain one of the safest ways to travel, and the odds of a car accident in Issaquah happening far outweigh the risks.
If you do opt to drive your children to school, follow these tips to reduce accident risks:
- Avoid rushing and allow plenty of time for getting to school;
- Follow speed limits, which are generally reduced in school zones during the morning and afternoon;
- Be alert for students either biking or walking to school and yield right of way at crosswalks;
- Make sure to drop off and pick up your students at school-designated locations;
- Be mindful of other students when driving through school parking lots;
- Avoid aggressive driving behavior, such as cutting other parents off;
- Pay attention and avoid distractions while behind the wheel, such as talking on cell phones or texting.
When Accidents Happen, Our Issaquah Personal Injury Attorney Is Here To Help
Accidents can happen despite taking precautions. If you or your child are injured, reach out to Injury Law Group NW. We provide the caring, comprehensive legal service you need throughout the process of filing a claim and help you get the compensation you need to recover. Call or contact our Issaquah personal injury attorney online and request a consultation today.