Advanced Technology Helps Reduce Issaquah Truck Accident Risks

Tractor-trailers, tanker trucks, and other big rigs are a common sight on local roads. They can weigh tens of thousands of pounds and require specialized knowledge and skill to navigate properly. Their large size and difficulty maneuvering, combined with lack of experience and reckless behavior on the part of the truck driver or the trucking company make truck accidents in Issaquah more likely to happen.
Unfortunately, other motorists involved can suffer potentially devastating personal injuries as a result. Our Issaquah truck accident attorney explains how advanced technology in terms of crash avoidance systems can help to reduce the risks.
Truck Accidents In Issaquah Pose Serious Hazards
The Washington State Department of Transportation warns that close to 2,000 trucks in King County are involved in crashes each year. With the amount of traffic common along Interstate 90 and other local roads, truck accidents in Issaquah pose serious hazards to local drivers. When they happen, one of the most common causes is driver inexperience and reckless behavior on the road.
Trucks are hard to turn, have large blind spots on all sides, and are unable to make the same types of sudden stops as other motorists. Add in dangerous behavior, such as speeding or driving under the influence, and it is easy to see how a crash could occur. Equipping trucks with advanced safety features helps to reduce the risks. This includes:
- Emergency braking systems;
- Electronic stability controls;
- Lane departure warning systems;
- Blind spot detection;
- Collision avoidance systems.
Truck Safety Features Help Reduce The Number of Truck Crashes
Commercial Carrier Journal, which serves truckers and trucking companies, states that advanced safety features play a role both in preventing crashes and reducing the severity of truck accidents. Traffic safety research indicates that automatic emergency braking systems alone prevent more than 7,000 injuries and nearly 200 deaths per year. Some of the latest safety technologies being explored by the industry include:
- Driver monitoring systems, which can help detect when truckers are distracted, drowsy, or otherwise engage in dangerous behavior;
- Adaptive cruise controls, which can take over steering if a truck driver fails to respond properly;
- Vehicle-to-vehicle communications, in which sensors allow car and truck electrical systems to ‘talk’ with one another and avoid collisions;
- Safety cameras, which can be installed behind and alongside the truck, allowing drivers to see traffic conditions ahead and potentially preventing blind spot truck crashes.
Injured In A Crash? Contact Our Issaquah Truck Accident Attorney
Truck accidents in Issaquah happen on an unfortunately frequent basis and can leave other drivers involved suffering potentially devastating personal injuries. At Injury Law Group NW, we hold reckless truckers and the companies they work for liable for your injuries.
To get the compensation you need to recover, reach out to our Issaquah truck accident attorney. We provide the professional, personalized legal representation you need in filing a claim. Give us a call or contact our office online today and request a consultation.