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Issaquah Personal Injury Attorney > Blog > Slip Fall > How To Get The Maximum Compensation For Fall Injuries In Washington State

How To Get The Maximum Compensation For Fall Injuries In Washington State


Slip and fall accidents in Washington State frequently happen in stores, restaurants, office buildings, and other public places. When property owner negligence is responsible, those injured have the right to seek compensation for medical care, lost wages, and other costs. Our Issaquah slip-fall attorney explains more about these cases and how to get the maximum compensation you need to recover in a claim.

Fall Accidents In Washington State Caused By Negligent Property Owners

According to the state Department of Health, slips and falls in Washington State injure nearly 30,000 residents yearly. They are one of the most common types of accidents and are capable of causing potentially debilitating injuries.

Fall accidents in Issaquah often happen in public places and are particularly common in grocery stores, retail establishments, and shopping malls. Negligent property owners or managers are often responsible. Common examples include:

  • Failing to clean up wet floors or post warning signs;
  • Failing to repair torn carpeting or worn floor tiles;
  • Not roping off areas under construction or renovation;
  • Not clearing up excess clutter and keeping walkways clear;
  • Failing to maintain outdoor landscaping;
  • Failing to provide adequate lighting and handrails on stairs.

Unfortunately, even a seemingly minor fall accident in Washington State can leave victims suffering harm for long after. Broken bones, dislocated joints, torn muscles and tendons, and severe back, neck, or head injuries are all common.

Make The Maximum Recovery In A Washington State Slip Fall Accident Claim

Property owners and managers have a legal duty to protect the safety of invited guests or visitors by properly maintaining the premises and providing warnings about dangerous conditions. Under the Washington State Code, they can be held liable when they fail to do so and personal injuries occur as a direct result.

If you or someone you love is involved in any fall accident, take precautions to protect your rights in the aftermath. To make the maximum recovery in your claim, follow these steps:

  • Report a fall accident immediately to the property owner or manager and make sure an accident report is completed;
  • Take photos of the scene and get contact information for everyone involved, including witnesses;
  • Get medical treatment for your injuries as soon as possible and let medical providers know how they happened;
  • Undergo all recommended testing, attend follow-up visits, and adhere to any activity restrictions your doctor recommends;
  • Keep a copy of all medical records, lost wages, and out-of-pocket expenses;
  • Before making any recorded statements with insurers or accepting a settlement, contact our Issaquah slip-fall accident attorney.

Contact Our Office To Request A Consultation With Our Issaquah Slip Fall Attorney Today

Slip and fall accidents in Washington State often cause injuries that prevent you from working and require ongoing care. You have one chance to get compensation in a claim. To make the maximum recovery, get our legal team at Injury Law Group NW on your side. Give us a call or contact our legal team online. Request a consultation with our experienced Issaquah slip-fall attorney today.




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